Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Still looking......

Wow, what a year it has been. Things just don't seem to be getting better anywhere. As a matter of fact, it would almost seem like they are getting worse. I have tried just about anything and just about anywhere, with absolutely no luck. I know that I have the skills, but maybe I'm not putting them forward in the best light. I've been reading all kinds of articles, posting my resume' in places I would never have thought to post it, and still nothing. I've even tried a work from home job, that I'm still waiting to get paid for and if things would work out with that, I would stick to it for a while. But you really have to be careful with work from home because a lot of those jobs are scams and you can get taken for a lot of money. No I didn't put any money into this and won't simply because I don't have any. But I still have hope that someday soon, I will be going back to work and finally be able to stand on my own two feet again.

I just hope that the financial mess that this country and others are in, can be solved in a timely manner and that our debts will not be passed down to our children and grandchildren.

Here's to a great New Year and prosperity for all who seek it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Applying for work....

Today I noticed that a job that I applied for back in August had been re posted. I never heard back from the company and have reapplied so that they know that I'm still interested in working for them. It's a great company with a great mission, to help people. I know that I would be a great fit for them, and would be able to do all that they need for me to do.

What I don't understand is why a company doesn't let you know what is going on. It isn't fair and it isn't right. Whether you get the position or not, it is always a good thing to know, so that you know what plans need to be made.

Also, if you are on unemployment, and your bank is charging you huge fee's, change banks. I left Wells Fargo and went to a credit union. There are no fee's and I immediately had my debit card. That was a wonderful change from having to wait for a week to be able to access my money. Credit Unions actually want you business. Banks couldn't care less. Try it and see what happens.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Still no word

I have now been getting interviews, however I'm not hearing back on them. I have tried calling, emailing, and the like, but the person is either not there or they're in a meeting. What to do? Be persistent.

I don't like it when a company, that you interview with, doesn't take the time to at least let you know that you aren't being considered for the position. To me, common courtesy says that you should take the time to let someone know what is happening, so that plans can be made. I know that HR and managers are busy people. I know that with so many things on their minds, they may forget, however to not take someones call???

Anyway, I'm still trying. I'm not going to give up. It's hard out there, but it's the persistent person that will actually come out on top. There are many good, well qualified people looking for work. To anyone looking to hire, don't think that just because someone is more than qualified to do that the job, that you can't afford them, or that they will get bored and look for something else. That's not always the case. Sometimes, they will be just like me, trying to find something so that they can get their life back on track and will turn out to be one of the best employees that you ever could have hired.

Don't give up, times will get better if you hang in there.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another day, another unemployment check...

But at least they help in the short term. I don't know what I'd do without it. It pays some of the bills.

Tomorrow I have another interview. It's a great company and I hope that all goes well. I had an interview last Friday, but I haven't heard anything from them yet. Either job would be great as they are for fantastic companies.

I have actually found that if you take a copy of your resume', and a list of references, the interview goes much better. And always go online to see their web site. Do a little background on them. After all, they are on interview as much as you are. I have some great questions that I ask too. Never ever say you don't have any questions. That shows that you really aren't interested in the job. If you don't know what to ask, there are websites out there that will give you some really good ideas, google them.

After all the work you go through just to get them to notice you, you really do need to be prepared for the interview. And after the interview, send a thank you note to them. Let them know that you appreciate their meeting with you. It's really important.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Revamping my Blog

And yes, I want you to comment on what you see here.

I'm going to post information about me, about what I'm good at, what I'm great at, and what I'm hoping to find. Life is too short not to make everyday a great day. Summer is almost over and I'm actually seeing that time really does fly. The kids are going back to school, and I'm wanting to go back to work. Not that I haven't been trying to find a great job, I have. I just think that I haven't found the right spot for me yet. I have been thinking that there is a spot for everyone. You just have to find it.

I've interviewed at some great places. Places that I would have loved to work. Places that I would have made a great place to be, however they decided that someone else would be a better fit, and maybe they were right.

I'm looking for a great customer service position, in a company that I know I would be an asset for and that I can help to grow to be the best in their particular industry. I work so well with all kinds of people. I was thinking today about some of the memorable people that I have been able to speak to over the years. How I was able to help not just them but the company I was working with at the time. Sometimes it's hard to make the best of your day. But, I have found that if I go into the day telling myself that I'm going to have a great day, it always is. Be positive, don't let anyone get you down. If you can see that something needs to be done, don't wait for someone else to do it, or ask you to do it, take the bull by the horns and do it. Do it the way that you would like to see it done. If it's not perfect the first time, work at it until it is.

When a new person starts, make them feel welcome. Remember that you were once the new person, and someday, you just might be again. Nothing in life is forever, but make the most of every opportunity. Make yourself indispensable to your company. Do what needs to be done, even if it isn't in your "job description". Don't wait, make it a great place to work and be. You will be spending a lot of your time there. If you hate what you do, why do you? What can you do to make it better? Think about ways that you make it like it is and change that.

There is so much information out there, and so much that we all can do to make where we are a better place. Lets do it!