Thursday, September 2, 2010

Still no word

I have now been getting interviews, however I'm not hearing back on them. I have tried calling, emailing, and the like, but the person is either not there or they're in a meeting. What to do? Be persistent.

I don't like it when a company, that you interview with, doesn't take the time to at least let you know that you aren't being considered for the position. To me, common courtesy says that you should take the time to let someone know what is happening, so that plans can be made. I know that HR and managers are busy people. I know that with so many things on their minds, they may forget, however to not take someones call???

Anyway, I'm still trying. I'm not going to give up. It's hard out there, but it's the persistent person that will actually come out on top. There are many good, well qualified people looking for work. To anyone looking to hire, don't think that just because someone is more than qualified to do that the job, that you can't afford them, or that they will get bored and look for something else. That's not always the case. Sometimes, they will be just like me, trying to find something so that they can get their life back on track and will turn out to be one of the best employees that you ever could have hired.

Don't give up, times will get better if you hang in there.

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