Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Revamping my Blog

And yes, I want you to comment on what you see here.

I'm going to post information about me, about what I'm good at, what I'm great at, and what I'm hoping to find. Life is too short not to make everyday a great day. Summer is almost over and I'm actually seeing that time really does fly. The kids are going back to school, and I'm wanting to go back to work. Not that I haven't been trying to find a great job, I have. I just think that I haven't found the right spot for me yet. I have been thinking that there is a spot for everyone. You just have to find it.

I've interviewed at some great places. Places that I would have loved to work. Places that I would have made a great place to be, however they decided that someone else would be a better fit, and maybe they were right.

I'm looking for a great customer service position, in a company that I know I would be an asset for and that I can help to grow to be the best in their particular industry. I work so well with all kinds of people. I was thinking today about some of the memorable people that I have been able to speak to over the years. How I was able to help not just them but the company I was working with at the time. Sometimes it's hard to make the best of your day. But, I have found that if I go into the day telling myself that I'm going to have a great day, it always is. Be positive, don't let anyone get you down. If you can see that something needs to be done, don't wait for someone else to do it, or ask you to do it, take the bull by the horns and do it. Do it the way that you would like to see it done. If it's not perfect the first time, work at it until it is.

When a new person starts, make them feel welcome. Remember that you were once the new person, and someday, you just might be again. Nothing in life is forever, but make the most of every opportunity. Make yourself indispensable to your company. Do what needs to be done, even if it isn't in your "job description". Don't wait, make it a great place to work and be. You will be spending a lot of your time there. If you hate what you do, why do you? What can you do to make it better? Think about ways that you make it like it is and change that.

There is so much information out there, and so much that we all can do to make where we are a better place. Lets do it!

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